Background Check Updates

The purpose of this Information Alert is to inform colleges and units of the impending changes with regards to submitting background checks for faculty employees.  Effective May 16, 2023, education verifications will be required for all faculty hires.  This new requirement will be in addition to the standard background checks (criminal background check and sanction) currently completed for all faculty hires.  The decision was made after a joint review of the faculty hiring process by Faculty Affairs, the Provost’s Office, and UIC Human Resources.

As you are aware, education verifications are already required for the following employment groups:

  • Academic Professionals
  • Faculty/Clinical/Research Hourly
  • Postdoc Research Associates


Requests for checks made on or after May 16, 2023, will be subject to the new requirement.  Background check requests can be made via Cornerstone for jobs sourced directly through that platform, or the requests can be made via the UIC HR Service Center (HRSC) Background Check Form in FormBuilder for jobs not sourced in Cornerstone.

More information regarding the background check process can be found on our Background Check Compliance page on the UIC Human Resources website.  For general Criminal Background Check inquiries, please contact us at