Developing Others

For UIC to attract, retain, and fully engage the best talent, it is essential to create an environment where individuals are encouraged to succeed and grow as professionals. Developing others is a skill that gives supervisors the ability to promote continuous improvement of the members of their organizational group, leading team members to increase innovation, productivity, and effectiveness.

Demonstrating skill in Developing Others requires support of employee efforts to perform in their current role, achieve professional goals, and plan for career advancement. As one of the most important responsibilities of a supervisor, developing talent on your team demonstrates you are willing to put in the time, interest, and effort to move your team members to reach their fullest potential.

Developing Others in Practice



  • Provides ongoing opportunities for employees to acquire new work-related knowledge and skills
  • Gives necessary guidance and instructions for employees to address work expectations
  • Provides praise (positive feedback) to employees when appropriate
  • Provides well-times constructive feedback to improve quality of work
  • Helps employees identify solutions to overcome on-the-job performance concerns
  • Responds promptly and thoroughly to employee questions and suggestions
  • Encourages employees to continue learning and developing skills aligned with college, unit, and department goals, and professional growth
  • Talks with employees to identify training opportunities
  • Promptly informs an employee of new expectations or policies
  • Actively engages in UIC’s Employee Performance Program for each employee that reports to them
  • Provides on-the-job skill enhancement opportunities to address identified employee development needs and growth
  • Plans for and identifies development opportunities and stretch assignments that engage and motivate employees
  • Gives employees project ownership to encourage critical and innovative thinking
  • Identifies career issues and advancement opportunities for team members
  • Leverages University-wide opportunities to assign employees to roles that will move their careers forward and help UIC achieve its goals
  • Provides opportunities for employees to practice and improve skills
  • Shapes and assigns work to encourage teamwork



Instructor-Led Courses

Leadership Essentials, a two-day training session, is designed to provide new managers and supervisors with information required to function in their role more effectively. The training includes a pre-session assessment tool, facilitated discussions about managing work teams at UIC, detailed information about application of key HR policies and post-session management tools.