Form I9 Training

UIC HR is pleased to announce in-person training on the Form I-9 in January 2018.  This interactive session will provide an overview of the employment eligibility verification process including: Form I-9 requirements, step-by-step instructions for completion of all sections of the Form I-9, best practices, and demonstrations of various examples using the upgraded Tracker I-9 system.


This course is designed for Unit and College level HR Representatives responsible for hiring employees and acting as the I9 Manager. Whether you are relatively new in the role, or in need of a refresher, we invite your participation.


  • January 11, 2018: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
    College of Pharmacy (PHARM) 833 S. Wood Street, Room 134-1


  • January 23, 2018:  2:00pm – 4:00pm
    Student Services Building (SSB) 1200 W. Harrison Street, Conference Room A


Registration is available at:


Questions and comments should be directed to Amira Ghadeer at (312) 355-2412.


NOTE:  This is not system training for Tracker or to obtain access to the system.  If you are a new user and require access, you must still complete online training and work with your Unit Security Contact (USC) regarding Tracker system access (see