Timeliness of HR Front End Changes

This Information Alert provides details about the submission of HR Front End transactions in a timely manner to UIC Human Resources (UICHR). The University is committed to timely payment for work completed. At the start of each academic year, UIC Human Resources will send campus Human Resources staff a reminder that payroll loans are available to eligible bargaining unit members who will not be paid on their regular pay date.   Select bargaining units require that payroll loans be made available to employees that will not be paid on time.  The Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) payment process and pay loan form listed below.

It is vital that College/Unit HR Representatives submit all HR action items via the HR Front End (HRFE) system prior to the effective date of the hire or change of HR action. When changes relate to salary modifications, FTE changes, leave of absence or eventual separation, UIC HR requests that colleges/units submit all changes/separations at least 2 weeks prior to the effective (personnel) date of the change. The information below outlines the impact and importance for submitting these changes in advance.


New Hires

It is important for our reputation as a University and as one of the city’s premier employers that we show our employees we value their contributions and want them to be paid on time for the work we ask them to do. Regardless of the employment category, all employees should be paid in a timely manner based on their first employment date at the University.  The following guidelines will aid in our efforts in making sure all employees are paid in a timely fashion:

  • Colleges/units should routinely work with their department HR representatives and supervisors to make sure all appropriate on-boarding steps are completed in a timely manner.
  • This includes, but is not limited to, securing all requisite supporting documentation that will be needed by UICHR to complete the approval of the HR Front End transactions.
  • Transactional timeliness plays an important factor for benefit eligible employees and those who are covered under the State Universities Retirement System (SURS).


Health Insurance Eligible Employees

Since 2016, the University of Illinois must submit health insurance information to the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) through a third-party vendor, Morneau Shepell.  Employees still have 30 days from their hire/eligibility date to select their insurance plans. Colleges and administrative units are highly encouraged to submit their New Hire/Employee Group Change transactions impacting benefit eligibility at least two weeks prior to the effective date of hire.  FTE and leave of absence changes should also be submitted at least two weeks in advance as these can impact either eligibility for benefits and/or the cost to the employee.

In addition to submitting the HRFE transactions in a timely manner, colleges/units will also be responsible for updating the appropriate Banner leave forms and timesheet earn codes.  Untimely submissions may impact employees.   Unapproved absences, unpaid personal leave, and suspensions greater than 30 days during an audit period will result in a part-time status classification for State group insurance purposes.  Employees will be responsible for a portion of the State’s contribution along with the employee’s contribution.

The University has undergone several part-time compliance audits with CMS where employees have been retroactively charged for their unpaid premiums. In addition, submitting new hire transactions in advance will allow employees to opt out of insurance or select which health insurance plan they wish to choose based on their personal needs and not default into Quality Care.

Please reach out to the UIC HR Service Center if you have additional questions regarding this topic.