About Civil Service

Definition of Civil Service Heading link

In the broadest sense of the phrase, Civil Service is a type of personnel management system used to manage an organization’s workforce. Under Civil Service guidelines, public-sector employees are individuals employed on the basis of professional merit. Often, such merit is identified through competitive examination, which includes credential assessment. Among the stated purposes of Civil Service in Illinois is “to provide equal opportunity for all, equal pay for equal work, and career opportunities comparable to those in business and industry, which will attract outstanding personnel to the State university service.”

UIC non-academic employees fall under the jurisdiction of the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS). The Civil Service System provides requirements for human resources practices to all Illinois campuses. The System Office creates procedures focused on keeping the employment process fair, legal and ethical for all candidates.

Established in Illinois in 1952, the Civil Service system is empowered to prescribe the range of compensation, qualifications and duties for positions under its jurisdiction. Additionally, the System Office may establish other conditions of employment which an employer and employee representatives have agreed upon as fair and equitable. Civil Service positions may be in clerical, crafts and trades, managerial, paraprofessional, professional service, and technical areas. Civil Service titles include, but are not limited to:

  • Accountant
  • Building Custodian
  • Business Manager
  • Carpenter
  • Computer Programmer
  • Driver
  • Electrician
  • Food Service Worker
  • Hospital Service Worker
  • Police Officer
  • Registered Nurse
  • Veterinary Technician

Individuals interested in Civil Service employment must:

  • Be a resident of the state of Illinois.
  • Have a current electronic application of file with the University.
  • Qualify for and pass appropriate Civil Service examinations.

Within UIC Human Resources the Compensation unit is responsible for the development and maintenance of job descriptions, salary structure development, and statutory compliance. Subject Matter Experts and staff members within Compensation are tasked with conducting job analysis to make the proper classification determination. Compensation works to maintain compliance with the Civil Service Classification Plan for positions determined to be civil service.

Job Review Process Heading link

Civil Service jobs are typically reviewed in the following manner:

An employee or department manager can request a face-to-face job review by submitting an email request to jrailey@uic.edu, placing “Desk Audit” in the subject line. A copy of the employee’s job description and a current organization chart will be required. Prior to the actual job review, a preliminary review of the case will be conducted with the requestor to outline the process and potential outcome.