

JDXpert (JDX) is a job description management system and will serve as a tool for our job description needs and build vacancy requests that will feed to the Cornerstone applicant tracking system.


Department user access to JDXpert is initially setup by UICHR HRIS team.  After 6/12/2022, department user access must be requested by your unit security contact (USC).  Locate your USC

Approvers and employees do not need to request access to JDXpert.

Training Heading link

JDXpert Overview and Navigation Webinar – View Recording

Support Labs Heading link

Support Lab registration can be found on the HR Systems page

Upcoming Webinars Heading link

Webinar Schedule and Registration can be found on  the HR Systems Page

Past Webinars Heading link

DateMain TopicsTips & TricksMedia
02/20/2025JDXpert Bootcamp
- UI Health Nursing Templates
- Template Selection
- Job Description Reason
- Job Summary
- Duties & Responsibilities
- Specialty Factors
- Salary Ranges
- Correct FOAPL
ResourcesPowerPoint Recording
01/23/2025Review of JDXpert Existing Job Descriptions Process
Changes to the Cornerstone Manage Candidates View
IL Pay Transparency Law Updates
Tips & Tricks
Do's and Don'ts
PowerPoint Recording
12/11/2024Creating Existing Job DescriptionsBest Practices
Tips & Tricks
PowerPoint Recording
09/19/2024Faculty Hourly Workflow
Back to Basics
- Selecting Templates
- Selecting Workflows
Best Practices
Tips & Tricks
PowerPoint Recording
04/18/2024New Template View
Back to Basics
- Selecting Templates
- Selecting Workflows
Best Practices
Tips & Tricks
PowerPoint Recording
02/22/2024New JDXpert UI Health Workspace field
JDXpert Task List Enhancement
New Cornerstone Reports
March 2024 Cornerstone Enhancement Sneak Peek
- Manage Applicants Deprecation
Manage Candidates FiltersPowerPoint Recording
11/01/2023Employee Acknowledgments
Job Acknowledgment Project
Concise Job Duties
Selecting Templates
Job Template Filters
Deleting a Vacancy Request
Changing Approvers
PowerPoint Recording
08/31/2023New JDXpert Templates
Email Scams
Manage Candidate Email Updates
EEO Form Compliance Update
Virtual Interview Type
CBC Codes FY24
Closing a Req vs. Ending a Posting
Cornerstone Hiring Dashboard
Cornerstone Department Reports
PowerPoint Recording
06/29/2023JDXpert Employee Acknowledgments
JDXpert Supervision Field
FY24 CBC Billing Codes
Career Site Search Filters
New Requisition Fields
CBC Codes FY24
Closing a Req vs. Ending a Posting
Cornerstone Hiring Dashboard
Cornerstone Department Reports
PowerPoint Recording
05/11/2023Field Validation Enhancements
New UI Health Templates
Webinar & Lab Schedule Changes
Compensation Top 10
CBC Codes FY24
Deleting a Vacancy Request
Changing Approvers
View Uploaded Documents
PowerPoint Recording
04/13/2023Amazon Web Services (AWS) Migration
Extra Help Process Changes
Selecting Templates
Using Valid CFOAP Codes
Extra Help Standard Titles
Deleting a Vacancy Request

PowerPoint Recording
03/16/2023Revising Vacancy Request/Job Description
Faculty Hourly
New Fields:
Job Description Version
Template Selected
Workflow Selected
Concise Job Duties
Selecting Templates
Job Template Filters
Deleting a Vacancy Request
Changing Approvers
Secondary Jobs
PowerPoint Recording
02/16/2023Academic Professional Process
Viewing Job Description Acknowledgments
Concise Job Duties
Selecting Templates
Deleting a Vacancy Request
Changing Approvers
Secondary Jobs
PowerPoint Recording
01/19/2023Faculty Administrative Process
Extra Help Changes
Job Description Reason
JDXpert Emails
Concise Job Duties
Selecting Templates
Deleting a Vacancy Request
Job Information Tips
PowerPoint Recording
12/08/2022Employee Acknowledgments
Background Check Billing
Approvals Tab
Concise Job Duties
Selecting Templates
Return to any Approver
Workflow History
Job Aids
PowerPoint Recording
11/10/2022Search Waiver
Completing Vacancy Requests
Employee Acknowledgments Update
Concise Job Duties
Selecting Templates
Predefined Approvers
Information Bubbles
PowerPoint Recording
(UI Health Users)
Starting a Vacancy Request
UI Health Workflows
Job Description Best Practices
Completing Vacancy Requests/Job Descriptions
Multiple Vacancies
Predefined Approvers
Information Bubbles
PowerPoint Recording
09/08/2022Selecting Templates
Choosing Workflows
Background Check Billing Codes
Position Numbers
Job Duties
Viewing Vacancy Requests
Feed to Cornerstone
PowerPoint Recording

Job Aids Heading link

UIC Campus JDXpert Job Aids

Frequently Asked Questions Heading link

How do I get access to JDXpert if I am a Department User?

Initial access will be setup by the project team.  Department users are required to complete the JDXpert Overview and Navigation prior to gaining access.  After 6/13/2022, your Unit Security Contact can request your access.

How do I get access to JDXpert if I am an approver?

Employees, hiring managers, and approvers, will not need to request access to JDXpert.  They will automatically have access and training is not required.

How do I get access to JDXpert if I am an employee?

Employees, hiring managers, and approvers, will not need to request access to JDXpert.  They will automatically have access and training is not required.

Will everyone who has a netid be in the system?

There will be a nightly feed to pull information for active employees from Banner into JDXpert. The population will not include students or academic unpaid employees.

How does the approval process work?

Approval workflows have predefined approval steps/roles based on each business process.  Some roles are automatically selected and other roles will need to be selected by the user.  For example, if you are the initiator your name will automatically be selected.  Other roles such as UICHR Compensation are preselected and should not be changed.

Can you be in multiple roles within the process?

Yes, you can have multiple roles if they are applicable. For example, if you are creating a vacancy request/job description and you are the hiring manager as well as the college approver, you would be in all three roles in the approval workflow.

Please note, the Hiring Manager on the workflow must be the actual supervisor because their name will appear on the approved job description.

Will an approver receive a notification that they need to approve a vacancy request/job description?

Yes.  Email notifications will be sent automatically to your Outlook email informing the user that your approval is required. There is also a notification icon on the top left of the dashboard with a copy of this email.

Who do I select as an approver?

You should put the appropriate approver in each approval role.  If you are uncertain on some of the approver roles, please consult with your college/unit HR representative.

General Roles

Initiator: person creating the vacancy request/job description.  This user will have the first edit rights to create the job description.  This approver will default to the person creating the vacancy request/job description.

Hiring Manager: The actual supervisor for the position.  Their name will appear on the final job description.  This approver must be selected.

Campus Specific Roles

Unit HR: Human Resources approval at the unit level.  This position must be selected.  If you are uncertain who this should be, please consult with your college/unit representative.

College HR: Human Resources approval at the unit level.  This position must be selected.  If you are uncertain who this should be, please consult with your college/unit representative.

Dean/Vice Chancellor: The Dean, Vice Chancellor, or designee approver.  This position must be selected.  If you are uncertain who this should be, please consult with your college/unit representative.

UI Health Specific Roles

Administrator/Chief Line: An administrator approver or Chief line approver in the hospital or Mile Square. This approver must be selected.

Position Management Committee (PMC): The position Management Committee is responsible for reviewing the needs for hospital and clinic positions.  This approver should not be changed.

Central Approvers

HR Compensation: Central HR Compensation will review and approve this step.  This approver should not be changed.  The only exception is for vacancy requests/job descriptions for Rockford, Peoria, and DSCC offices.

HR Recruitment: Central HR Recruitment will review and approve this step.  This approver should not be changed.  The only exception is for vacancy requests/job descriptions for Rockford, Peoria, and DSCC offices.

Faculty Affairs: The faculty Affairs Office will review and approve this step.  This approver should not be changed.

Satellite Offices: Rockford, Peoria, and DSCC satellite offices have special approvers that can be switched out from the default approvers for the respective workflows.

What happens when a vacancy request/job description is rejected?

Job descriptions can be returned and comments can be added in the comment section to explain why it was returned or if edits are needed.  Approvers can return a vacancy request/job description.

Can the approver be changed?

Department users will not have access to change or update the approver. Please contact the UICHR Help Desk if you need to change an approver.

For the hospital, what workflows will we be able to view?

If you are a UI Health department user, you will only see the workflows for the hospital which includes the Position Maintenance Committee (PMC) process.   These include:

  • UI Health Academic Professionals
  • UI Health Academic Professional Waiver
  • UI Health Civil Service
  • UI Health Civil Service Reclassification-Reallocation
  • UI Health Nursing
  • UI Health Extra Help


Can I add someone to review the vacancy request/job description who is not part of the approval workflow?

Yes.  One of the nice features of JDxpert is the ability to collaborate with others.  You can add a collaborator who can review and edit the vacancy request/job description.  The collaborators will not have approval authority and can make edits or add comments.

Can I have more than one collaborator?

Yes, you can have multiple collaborators on each step of the workflow to help assist you.

Will percentages still need to be assigned to each job duty?

For the civil service job descriptions, they are needed but not for the others. This is the same process we currently follow.

Can the functional title be added to the main standardized title?

We will follow the current process. For civil service, the functional or working title is added with the standardized title. You want to be mindful since the template or parent will have the standardized title and the title you enter will appear on the job description.

Will there be a field to add the specialty factor and what will be the process?

The civil service workflow will have a specialty factor field and the same process will continue where the Compensation Office will review and follow up with the department, if any changes are needed.


What is a job description acknowledgment?

An acknowledgment is when the employee reviews the job description and acknowledges the duties are the same as the job being performed.  In JDXpert this will be done electronically.

How do I send an employee a job description acknowledgment?

The employee must first come over on the nightly feed from the HR System (Banner).  Follow these instructions to Send Employee Acknowledgment.

Will I only see job descriptions within my college/unit?

You will be able to view approved job descriptions for your college/unit as well as the rest of the campus.

Is there a number tracking system to find vacancy requests/job descriptions?

The system will automatically generate a job description code and job description name. You can then search the library using either the code or the name for approved job descriptions.

Will the system have an alert when a job description needs to be reviewed and signed again?

It will take some time to build up the job descriptions in JDXpert, but this is one of our goals to help assist us with compliance.

Is it recommended to save between tabs in the workflow?

It is not required to save between tabs. However, if you step away from your desk, it is best to save because the system will eventually time out.

Can you come back to your workflow if additional information needs to be obtained before completing it?

You can save your work and come back to it. The system though has a nice feature where you can add someone as a collaborator. You can work together within the system and it allows the collaborator to edit the job description.

What browser are supported by JDXpert?

Most browsers are supported by JDXpert wit ha 100% zoom setting.  The following browsers are supported:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari

What is the resolution requirement?

The minimum resolution is 1140 x 900. The recommended resolution is 1920 x 1080 or better. It is also recommended that your browser zoom setting is 100% or smaller.

Is it accessible on mobile devices or a tablet?

It is not accessible on mobile devices or on tablets. Also, the view will be different between a desktop and a laptop. A desktop monitor is recommended for optimal viewing.

What is the difference between child and parent?

We will use templates which is the parent. This will pre-populate values/fields automatically. And the job description being created which is the child will inherit data elements from the parent. For example, when creating a civil service vacancy request or child record, the minimum qualifications that are included on the parent template will populate and default to the appropriate field on the child record. In short, the child box should always be checked.

Will I need to copy and paste the minimum qualifications for Civil Service jobs?

No.  These are built into the template.  As long as you select the appropriate classification the minimum qualifications will match the State University Civil Service classification specifications.


How do I find the appropriate

When I click start workflow I get an error message that my job code is not unique.  How do I resolve this issue?

If you receive an error message that your job code is not unique, you may not have checked the Child checkbox in the job wizard.  Usually selecting this box will refresh the job code and give you a unique one.  If you continue to have this issue, please contact the UICHR Help Desk.

I am unable to view a scroll bar in the workflow section of the job create wizard.  How do I resolve this issue?

This is usually a display setting.  Just reduce your browser zoom setting to 100% or less.  If you continue to have this issue, please contact the UICHR Help Desk.

I am unable to view a the start workflow button for the job create wizard.  How do I resolve this issue?

This is usually a display setting.  Just reduce your browser zoom setting to 100% or less.  If you continue to have this issue, please contact the UICHR Help Desk.

I forgot to change the job title name in the job create wizard.  How do I resolve this issue?

You will not be able to correct the title.  Please contact the UICHR Help Desk and indicate the job code and title along with the correct title you wish to add.