Employee Compliance Requirements

Employee Compliance Requirements Heading link

Information below contains links to University-wide policies and training that pertain to UIC employees. Based on an employee’s job responsibilities or business dealings, they may be required to complete various disclosure or request forms. Some forms are internal reporting requirements and are maintained within the University, while others are filed externally with various state entities.

All Employees Heading link

There are several required training topics, statements, and forms that are required for all employees as noted below.

Within the first month of hire and annually in October
Link to Ethics Training Here
To comply with the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. For additional information, contact the University Ethics Office using the Toll-free Ethics Help Line at 866-758-2146 or via e-mail at ethicsofficer@uillinois.edu.

This Code of Conduct establishes guidelines for professional conduct by those acting on behalf of the University including executive officers, faculty, staff, and other individuals employed by the University using University resources or facilities, and volunteers and representatives acting as agents of the University.

Signed prior to the start of employment
ANCRA Statement
For more information, please contact University Human Resources at protectminors@uillinois.edu

Policies that identify the rules and procedures for the University of Illinois at Chicago staff, students, and employees on accessing, sharing, and using the organization’s IT assets and resources are found on the Technology Solutions website. These policies are subject to change.
Click here to find Annual Information Security Training. Enter your UIC NetID and password to complete required training.

To be completed annually in the Spring semester
Link to Title IX
For more information contact UIC Title IX Coordinator titleix@uic.edu

When hiring an employee whose relative works at UIC
Nepotism forms On General Employment Tab
Nepotism Policy 313

All Academic Professional and Exempt Civil Service Employees Heading link

Positive Time Reporting
Recording of weekly time worked on University business, NOT used for time reporting purposes
Weekly, beginning the first week of employment

Academic Professional Employees Heading link

Annual Outside Activities disclosure (formerly RNUA)
Report whether or not there are any outside activities to disclose and manage

Civil Service Employees Heading link

Conflict of Interest
To disclose activities that may potentially conflict with their University role and responsibilities

Statement of Economic Interests (two forms) Heading link

Applies to: Head of a department and those with direct supervisor authority over contract $5,000 or more, authority for issuance of regulations, financial responsibility (including P-Card and T-Card holders, approvers, and managers), supervisory authority over 20 or more employees, responsibilities for procurement of goods and services.

Statement of Economic Interest
Annually in April

Supplemental Statement
Annually in April

Employees involved in Finance and Purchasing Heading link

Procurement Communications Reporting/Training
As required by policy

Finance, P-Card holders, T-Card holders, reconcilers approvers, managers, delegates

P-Card Certification Training

T-Card Certification Training

Privacy Training Heading link

Privacy Training based on employee College/Unit/Department and responsibilities

HIPPA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
As required by job responsbility and department

FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
As required by job responsibility and department

Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) Heading link

The UIC Environment Health and Safety Office (EHSO) mission is to promote and ensure a safe and healthy environment to support the University’s academic, administrative, and research functions.
Training may be required based on your job title and function. Click here to find EHSO training topics.

UI Health Compliance Heading link

Access the UI Health learning management system for compliance training for your particular role.