Seek Guidance and Feedback

Seek Guidance Openly Heading link

Express genuine interest in learning to be a high performer in the workplace and in continuous professional improvement. Employees should take the initiative to solicit guidance from their supervisor and colleagues to improve and elevate their skills. Seek out coaching conversations, feedback discussions, and engaging in professional development activities to support your learning and career aspirations.

Develop Coaching Relationships Heading link

A coaching relationship is one in which employees seek the help of a peer, manager or other subject matter expert to help improve certain skills or learn higher level functional skills. The relationship may be with a direct supervisor or someone else who has the skills and ability to teach or guide others in specific areas.

Employee Role in the Coaching Process:

In order for a manager to provide meaningful feedback, he or she must be made aware of an employee’s professional accomplishments and challenges. Employees should seek regular conversations with their manager and potential mentors.

What is Mentoring? Heading link

Mentoring is the partnering of an experienced person (mentor) with a less-experienced colleague (mentee) to facilitate personal and professional development for the benefit of the mentor, the mentee, and the organization. Mentors can enhance a mentee’s career by offering professional advice and interpretation of performance feedback; by communicating and discussing organization initiatives and changes; by providing skill development opportunities; and by assisting with integration and expectation setting.

Mentors help mentees establish themselves in an organization and prepare for advancement. By providing informal counseling and acting as advocates and role models mentors also offer individualized support. Through these partnerships, mentors help mentees develop confidence and competence.