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Discipline Related to Civil Service Employees

**Please work with your departmental Human Resources representative and UICHR Employee Relations in any disciplinary conversations
Remember to begin performance improvement with Feedback conversations, you may move to the formal disciplinary process if no improvement has occurred after two (2) or three (3) feedback conversations.

Facts – When documenting for discipline always include observed behavior, should be specific and detailed, and state facts not interpretation of facts.
What happened?; When did it happen? dates, times; Where did it happen?; Who was involved?

Objectives – The purpose is to help employee change or improve behavior/ performance, performance objectives should be specific and positive, use objectives to communicate specific expectations

Solutions – To help the employee reach his/her objectives, suggest training, offer help and support by scheduling frequent meetings

Actions – Explain the action you will take if the employee fails to meet expectations

NOTE: The disciplinary process may start or move to any step within the established process depending on the severity of the infraction(s).

Three (3) workdays notification is required
Include: Specified infractions (charges); Meeting guidelines; Supporting documentation

Special Notice: INA CONTRACT requires 5 DAYS

Verbal counseling includes all feedback and development conversations, which should take place prior to moving to the formal disciplinary process which begins with a Letter of Warning
□ Initial informal step of progressive discipline:
o Schedule a meeting in a private setting
o Follow-up Memo outlining what was discussed
o Use the Feedback Conversation guides or email
o A copy of the memo is NOT placed in the HR file
o It is kept with the supervisor of the employee
o Counseling is informal
o Documentation Note:
o e-mail sufficient
o advise representation


Consult with Labor and Employee Relations before moving to a Letter of Warning
□ Initial step of formal progressive discipline
□ Pre-disciplinary action meeting held at the department level
□ If warranted, the department will issue a follow-up Letter of Warning
□ Forward to Labor & Employee Relations
□ Letter of Warning time period with no other infractions before moving to the next step
□ University practice – 6 months
□ Local 73 contracts – 6 months
□ INA contract – 1 year
□ Letter of Warning prevents employees from testing for Civil Service positions for 6 months

You must work with your human resources department and Labor and Employee Relations before moving to Suspension
Three (3) step unpaid suspension in progressive discipline process:
o Five (5) workdays
o Ten (10) workdays
o Thirty (30) calendar days, translates to twenty-two (22) workdays
Discuss the situation, develop charges, and schedule a pre-disciplinary action meeting with ER Officer
□ Caucus with ER Officer
o If warranted, ER Officer prepares a Notice of Disciplinary Suspension
o Department serves Notice of Disciplinary Suspension to employee
Disciplinary Suspension period with no other infractions before moving to the next step in the process
o Local 73 contracts – 1-year
o Prohibited from testing – 1-year
o Unpaid suspension affects Civil Service employee’s service hours

You must work with your human resources department and Labor and Employee Relations before moving to Recommendation to Discharge
□ Final step of progressive discipline
o Provide documentation to ER Officer formally requesting a discharge
o ER Officer drafts Intent to Discharge Letter
o ER Officer conducts Reconciliation Meeting
o If warranted, Written Charges for Discharge are served to the employee