Positive Time Reporting

As a UIC employee you may be required to report on a weekly basis how much time was spent conducting official University business. Time spent on University business must be recorded daily to the nearest quarter hour and submitted on a weekly basis (Sunday – Saturday).

This reporting requirement is separate from, and in addition to, other regular reporting processes, such as payroll or vacation/leave reporting.

This process is necessary for the University of Illinois to provide documentation in accordance with the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act.

Who Is It For?

You are required to submit a weekly Positive Time Report if your position is classified as Academic Professional or Exempt Civil Service (meaning you are not eligible for hourly overtime pay). Hourly non-exempt employees are not required to complete Positive Time Reporting.

If you are not sure how your position is classified you can ask your supervisor or unit/college human resources representative.




What Do I Have To Do? Heading link

You are responsible for completing a weekly Positive Time Report via the online reporting tool. In this report you will indicate how much time you spent each day conducting official university business.

Where is the reporting tool?


You can also locate the reporting tool from within BANNER or NESSIE.

When should I submit these reports?

You should submit a report at the end of each week.

What if I will be away or unable to complete a report?

If you know you will not be available to complete a report(s) you should estimate your time and submit a report in advance.

What if I forget, miss a report, or make a mistake?

If you fail to submit a report you will receive an email on the following Wednesday as a reminder. You can submit reports for prior weeks you may have missed or correct a previously submitted report using the online reporting tool.

See the Online Time Reporting Tool – Employee Job Aid (PDF) for details.

It is important that you complete these reports in a timely manner. Employees who do not comply with the requirements can be fined by the State, disciplined and/or discharged.

What Qualifies as Official University Business?


  • ALL time spent conducting work on behalf of the University, including evenings and weekends
  • Time spent attending and traveling to functions (e.g., meetings, retreats, conferences, seminars, trainings)
  • Meals that involve official University business


  • If “On-Call”, only include time spent receiving and/or responding to a call
  • University designated holidays, vacation, sick leave, and/or unpaid leave, unless an employee spends any of that time conducting official University business
  • Meal periods taken during a payroll day that do not involve official University business
  • Commute time
  • For Supervisors

    Supervisors are to inform new employees required to document “Positive Time” about this responsibility during new employee orientation. In accordance with department procedure, supervisors or a department designee are responsible for conducting audits for employee reporting for the first 90 days, and then every six months thereafter.

  • For College and Unit Administration

    Colleges and Units are responsible for conducting self-audits for the first 90 days, and then every six months thereafter.

    The online PTR tool is an independent application that does not tie into other systems.