Personal Information
Personal Information Heading link
The information provided below will help you understand and manage issues related to pay, taxes, wages, and University self-service applications.
View your current or past paycheck statements on My UI Info.
Payroll & Earnings
The Payroll Services Office facilitates the accurate and timely payment of employees on three campuses: Urbana, Chicago and Springfield. Payroll Services offices also manage payroll schedules, earnings, deductions, taxes, and time reporting.
All employees at the University of Illinois are paid either on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Bi-weekly employees are paid every other Wednesday approximately 10 days after the pay period end date. Monthly employees are paid on the 16th of the month following the service dates of the 16th through the 15th. If the 16th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday then the pay date is the last work day prior.
Please note the due date for paperwork to be submitted to UIC Human Resources for each pay period. It is extremely important these due dates are adhered to if an employee is to be paid their full paycheck on their scheduled payday. Any questions regarding payroll schedules should be referred to Payroll Services at:
UIUC Payroll Services: (217) 265-6363
UIC Payroll Services: (312) 996-7200
UIS Payroll Services: (217) 206-7211
Form W-2
University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) is responsible for issuing Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.
Personal Information
Changes to Personal Information
Employees should routinely re-verify their personal information listed in MyUI Info. Updates can be made to personal information by selecting the appropriate category below. A complete listing of processes for personal information changes can be found on the Key Changes to Personal Identification Information (PDF) job aid.
My Profile – view current information and make changes to the following information:
- Date of Birth
- Address
- Marital, Disability, and Veteran Statuses
- Race/Ethnicity
- Driver’s License Number
- Licenses/Certifications and Publications
- Work History
- Emergency Contacts
Name, Address, and Phone Number Changes – outlines processes for changing names, addresses and phone numbers on benefits enrollment and personal files.
Social Security Number Change
- Urbana employees – Submit to the appropriate department a copy of the SSN card issued by the Social Security Administration.
- Chicago and Springfield employees – Complete the Name and SSN Change Form and submit to your unit supervisor along with the appropriate supporting documentation.
Employment Verification
If you need to provide verification of your current or past employment at UIC to a third party please refer to the instructions for Employment Verification.