Learning Resources from UIC HR
Learning Resources from UIC Human Resources encompass a wide range of practical career, professional, and workplace topics and are available in a variety of learning formats.
These resources are provided at no cost to individuals and campus organizations (unless otherwise noted). All courses are also provided by request for teams and departments and may be delivered as in-person, hybrid, or virtual workshops. Contact us to learn more. mycareeruic@uillinois.edu
Classroom sessions on campus and Webinars address a number of topics of interest to UIC employees and are scheduled regularly. Check the UICHR Training Calendar for upcoming dates.
Video segments offer quick insights and solutions to workplace challenges and Job Aids address specific workplace tasks (provided as both web-based resources and as downloadable documentation and references).
Learning Resources from UIC HR Heading link
Benefits of Investing in Your Self-Review
Benefits of Investing in Your Self-Review
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar discusses the value of self-reflection and self-review as part of the annual performance review process in the Employee Performance Program.
Creating Personalized Career Development Plans
Creating Personalized Career Development Plans
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar, participants will learn how to create individualized career development plans that align personal growth with organizational goals. This session will guide employees through assessing their current skills, identifying gaps, and setting both short-term and long-term career objectives. Attendees will also explore how to map internal opportunities for advancement and development within the organization. The importance of regular check-ins and adjustments to the career plan will be highlighted, ensuring ongoing progress and adaptability in a dynamic work environment.
Top 5 Soft Skills Needed in the Workforce Today
Top 5 Soft Skills Needed in the Workforce Today
Delivery method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Soft skills are essential interpersonal skills that can make or break your ability to complete work and take on new opportunities. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss the top five soft skills to support your success in the workforce today: adaptability, creativity, collaboration, persuasion, and emotional intelligence.
You and UIC: Professional Development at UIC
You and UIC: Professional Development at UIC
Delivery method: Webinar – 30 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 30-minute webinar outlines a sound framework for your performance and career success at UIC. Guiding you to tools ready to support your development and help you focus on actions you can take to understand how successful performance is defined and achieved at UIC.
10 Common Communication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
10 Common Communication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
It can be embarrassing to make mistakes with communication. For example, if you send an email without checking it, and later realize that it contained an error, you can end up looking unprofessional. Other communication mistakes can have more serious consequences. In this 45-minute webinar, learners will take a look at 10 common communication mistakes, and learn what they can do to avoid them.
Building Better Relationships through Listening and Validation
Building Better Relationships through Listening and Validation
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minute
Suggested Audience: All UC Staff and Faculty
Great listeners do three critical things: listen, seek to understand, and then validate the emotions of the speaker. That third step is so important, though, and it can’t be overstated, especially because validation is what so many people crave to hear the most. Let’s take a deep dive into communication skills to help you build and sustain better relationships. Learn how to improve your everyday conversations using the four-step validation method. Find out what to do if you unintentionally invalidate others or miss the mark in how you respond, developing your capacities along the way to facilitate difficult emotional conversations. By the end of this 45-minute webinar, you’ll be ready to reestablish your boundaries and listen more closely than ever before.
Business Writing: Effective Email
Business Writing: Effective Email
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45 minute webinar focuses on email communications, etiquette guidelines, grammar, and content rules.
Communicating with Diplomacy and Tact
Communicating with Diplomacy and Tact
Delivery Method: By Request (Contact mycareeruic@uillinois.edu to schedule)
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty – Great for a team or department learning event
This workshop may be requested to be delivered to a team, department, or unit. Diplomacy and tact are the lubricants that reduce friction and help create a pleasant, civil environment. Participants learn to identify skills in communication and situational awareness to connect with others and deal with challenging work relationships.
Communicating with Purpose
Communicating with Purpose
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45 – minute workshop participants will learn how to plan, structure and deliver messages that inform an individual or small groups during meetings and to communicate effectively with co-workers, supervisors, stakeholders, and customers.
Communication and Conflict
Communication and Conflict
Delivery Method: Webinar 45- minutes
Suggested Audience: All Staff and Faculty
A 45 – minute discussion about how communication styles affect our messages and how this carries over into our conflict interactions. Great for a team learning activity.
Communication is Key!
Communication is Key!
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar course is a great introduction to communication styles and how style affects our messages and interpersonal connections.
Delivery Method: By Request Classroom – 1 hour (Contact mycareeruic@uillinois.edu to schedule)
Crucial Conversations
Crucial Conversations
Delivery Method: Classroom – 16 hours
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This is a 16-hour classroom workshop that is useful for anyone involved in difficult conversations in the workplace. Through discussion and practice led by a VitalSmarts* certified instructor, participants will learn techniques and skills to deal with high-stakes conversations. This is a proprietary training created by VitalSmarts based on the book Crucial Conversations. *VitalSmarts is an innovator in training and leadership development that focuses on human behavior.
Participants will receive a copy of the book Crucial Conversations and a training toolkit.
Workshop Fee: $350.00 per participant
Do's and Don'ts of Digital Communication
Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Communication
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Due to the rapid growth in digital communication in the workplace, organizations have moved from phone calls and faxes to emails and chat. Even more, remote work and the need for collaboration has facilitated the use of new digital communication tools such as WebEx, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams. Making the effort to put provisions in place to guide the open exchanges is key to maintaining communication etiquette. This 45-minute webinar will discuss the do’s and don’ts of digital communication.
Listening in Difficult Conversations
Listening in Difficult Conversations
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Difficult conversations are inevitable, whether in the workplace, at home, or in everyday life. The way we handle these moments, especially how we listen, can make all the difference between escalating tensions and fostering understanding. Join us for a 45-minute webinar on Listening in Difficult Conversations, where you will learn how to use effective listening strategies to navigate conflict, stay composed, and build stronger relationships.
Mindful Listening
Mindful Listening
Delivery Method: Webinar 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In a world filled with constant distractions, truly listening to others has become a rare and powerful skill. Join us for 45-minute webinar on Mindful Listening, where you’ll discover how to enhance your communication by fully engaging in conversations with presence, empathy, and intention.
Professional Written Communication
Professional Written Communication
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minute
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar provides tips and etiquette for authoring concise and effective email and other business-related documents. Participants will learn how to evaluate, organize, edit, and proofread professional communication to better inform and engage their readers.
The Lost Art of Listening
The Lost Art of Listening
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Effective listening is much more than just hearing words. It involves understanding the full meaning of what is being said and communicating that understanding to the other person. Whether someone is asking you questions, sharing information, expressing their needs or concerns, using effective listening skills can make a significant difference in your interactions and work at UIC. In this 45-minute webinar, learners will gain an understanding of their strengths and areas of improvement, learn essential techniques to enhance their listening skills, and discover some daily exercises that can sharpen their listening skills.
Workplace Cooperation: Let's Talk
Workplace Cooperation: Let’s Talk
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar focuses on aspects of interpersonal communication that promote respectful dialog, communicating to be understood, and listening.
Building Rapport with Customers
Building Rapport with Customers
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Do you want to set yourself up for success each time you interact with a customer? Take steps to establish a genuine, human connection with the person you’re speaking with. In this 45- minute course, you will learn how to establish rapport within the first few seconds of a customer service interaction. We will discuss simple techniques that can help you kick off a conversation in a way that makes your customers feel respected, listened to, and at ease. Learn how to keep the conversation flowing by yielding to customers and pacing their words and expressions. Plus, discover techniques that can help you build rapport in specific situations.
Customer Service Basics
Customer Service Basics
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 1-hour webinar workshop examines how customer service interactions impact the success of individuals and the campus and discusses practices that consistently result in positive customer service experiences.
Customer Service is a Mindset
Customer Service is a Mindset
Delivery Method: Webinar 45-minutes
Suggested Audience All UIC Staff and Faculty
The customer service mindset is not just solving problems for customers. It is about creating a delightful experience that develops long-term value, rapport, and loyalty. Doing so fosters customer success. In this 45-minute webinar, we are going to discuss its definition and some effective ways to adopt it.
Customer Service: Dealing with Challenging Situations
Customer Service: Dealing with Challenging Situations
Delivery Method: Webinar 1-hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 1-hour webinar, the discussion revolves around challenging customer situations. Participants learn how to turn potentially negative encounters into positive conversations to resolve customer concerns.
How can I initiate Positive Customer Interactions?
How can I initiate Positive Customer Interactions?
Delivery Method: On-demand WorkSmarts Video
A 3-minute exploration of the first step in the UIC Customer Service Model, “Begin the conversation.”
How do I build confidence and trust with customers?
How do I build confidence and trust with customers?
Delivery Method: On-demand WorkSmarts Video
A 3-minute exploration of the second step in the UIC Customer Service Model, “Seek to understand.”
How do I turn my customers into my biggest fans?
How do I turn my customers into my biggest fans?
Delivery Method: On-demand WorkSmarts Video
A 3-minute exploration of the fourth step in the UIC Customer Service Model, “Follow through.”
How do I help customers find positive solutions?
How do I help customers find positive solutions?
Delivery Method: On-demand WorkSmarts Video
A 3-minute exploration of the third step in the UIC Customer Service Model, “Agree on a solution.”
Listening to the Customer
Listening to the Customer
Delivery Method: Classroom – 2 hours
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 2-hour classroom workshop discusses the first actions a customer service provider takes in a customer service exchange sets the stage for a productive or dismal experience for both customer and provider. The focus is on listening skills and positive interactions using verbal and non-verbal communication to understand the customer’s perspective and needs.
We Are Customers to Each Other
We Are Customers to Each Other
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Most everyone understands the importance of treating our organization’s external customers with a high level of courtesy, service, and dignity. But it is equally important to treat our internal customers (our coworkers!) with the same level of politeness, respect, and civility. Whenever there is conflict, drama, or a lack of respect within our organization it will negatively impact our ability to operate efficiently and will hamper efforts to deliver great service to our external customers. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss how to treat each other as customers.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Empathy
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Empathy
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Empathy is credited as a factor in improved relationships. While it is easy to say “just put yourself into someone else’s shoes”, the reality is that truly understanding the motivations and emotions of others often proves elusive. This webinar helps to define empathy, why it is important, how to get past the challenges you have to be empathetic, and what you can do to develop your skills.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Happiness
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Happiness
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
We will explore the nature of human happiness, and how we can achieve it at work. We will look at how happiness is measured, frameworks for personal behaviors, and management techniques that build happiness in the workplace.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Mindfulness
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Mindfulness
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
The benefits of mindfulness include better performance, heightened creativity, deeper self-awareness, increased charisma, and greater peace of mind. We will discuss practical steps for building a sense of presence in your daily work routine, the science behind mindfulness, and why it works.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Resilience
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Resilience
Delivery method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Have you noticed that some people seem to bounce back from daily setbacks, professional crises, even personal trauma easier? We will explore the key traits of those who emerge stronger from challenges and help you train your brain to withstand the stresses of daily life.
Emotional Intelligence: Managing Conflict
Emotional Intelligence: Managing Conflict
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar participants use basic knowledge introduced about emotional intelligence, and then explore the three steps of conflict management to increase confidence in managing conflict and conducting difficult or emotional conversations.
Emotional Intelligence: Self-Awareness and Self-Management
Emotional Intelligence: Self-Awareness & Self-Management
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Emotional intelligence is a strong predictor of success in the workplace, more so even than talent and technical skills combined. In this 45-minute webinar, participants will define emotional intelligence, learn to recognize emotions and behaviors, and discuss behavioral and cognitive strategies to better manage how their actions impact and influence others.
Emotional Intelligence: Teamwork and Collaboration
Emotional Intelligence: Teamwork and Collaboration
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: ALL UIC Staff and Faculty
Participants learn competencies that support collaboration and teamwork during this 45-minute webinar. We will introduce a model for effectively working with others and creating an environment that is affiliative and inclusive providing team members with a sense of belonging, aligning strengths, and employee engagement.
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 60-minute webinar introduces emotional intelligence. Discussion includes defining emotional intelligence, skills, and behavioral awareness in emotional situations. Discussion includes actions and learning on how to share work place experiences with emotions.
Benefits of Investing in Your Self-Review
Benefits of Investing in Your Self-Review
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar discusses the value of self-reflection and self-review as part of the annual performance review process in the Employee Performance Program.
Cornerstone OnDemand Overview and Navigation
Cornerstone OnDemand Overview and Navigation
Delivery Method: Recorded Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Employees who will use this system
This webinar provides an overview of the Cornerstone OnDemand system, including its features and functionality, some navigation basics, and its integration with other HR systems. Cornerstone OnDemand replaces the HireTouch applicant tracking system and provides an improved user experience for both UIC employees and job applicants.
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Use your NEtID and password to log in.
Employee Performance Program
Employee Performance Program
Delivery Method: Webinar – 30 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty, particularly HR Representatives and Supervisors
This 30-minute webinar reviews the cycle from setting goals and expectations to employee development and feedback, to the annual review. You will learn where and how to access the forms and tools that support the program.
Giving Feedback Conversations
Giving Feedback Conversations
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty, particularly HR Representatives and Supervisors
This 45-minute webinar discusses how to prepare for and deliver successful feedback conversations. Feedback conversations discuss behaviors that have been observed, praise good performance, correct poor performance, or gain insight into progress on a work assignment or project. We will share supporting tools and resources in the Employee Performance Program, available on the UIC Human Resource website.
Having Development Conversations
Having Development Conversations
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty, particularly HR Representatives and Supervisors
This 45-minute webinar discusses development conversations as an important part of the employee/supervisor relationship. Coaching takes place to encourage improved performance, learning, and growth. Learn how to have and document these conversations and take a tour of the tools available on the UIC HR website.
Hiring Interviews: Tools and Resources
Hiring Interviews: Tools and Resources
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: HR Representatives and those responsible for hiring new employees
This 1-hour webinar discusses how to prepare and conduct hiring interviews at UIC and provides a virtual tour of the resources available on the UIC Human Resources website. We will also cover best practices for virtual interviews.
The target audience for this webinar includes human resources personnel and hiring managers.
JDXpert Overview and Navigation
JDXpert Overview and Navigation
Delivery Method: Recorded Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Employees who will use this system
This webinar provides an overview of the JDXpert system, including its features and functionality, some navigation basics, and some workflows associated with employee groups. JDXpert is the HR system that replaces the paper process for new job position approvals and job description templates.
CLICK HERE to log in and view
Use your NEtID and password to log in.
Productive Performance: Guidance and Compliance with Policy 1202
Productive Performance: Guidance and Compliance with Policy 1202
Delivery Method: On-demand Online
Suggested Audience: HR Representatives and Supervisors
Online self-paced learning covers key activities supervisors take to support and guide employees to understand and meet performance goals. This is required for supervisors who may be going through position elimination procedures through Policy 1202.
Setting Goals and Expectations
Setting Goals and Expectations
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty, particularly HR Representatives and Supervisors
This 45-minute webinar shares information and tools for setting goals and expectations as a means for employee success and is the first conversation of the Employee Performance Program.
Writing and Delivering Performance Improvement Plans
Writing and Delivering Performance Improvement Plans
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All HR Representatives and Supervisors
This 45-minute webinar shares guidelines for writing and delivering performance improvement plans. We will review the tools and resources available to support the Employee Performance Program.
Writing and Delivering Performance Reviews
Writing and Delivering Performance Reviews
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All HR Representatives and Supervisors
This 45-minute webinar shares guidelines for writing and delivering performance reviews. We will review the tools and resources available on the UIC HR website to support the Employee Performance Program.
You and UIC: Employee Perks and Services
You and UIC: Employee Perks and Services
Delivery Method: Webinar – 30 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 30-minute webinar provides an online roadmap that reveals where to go to explore the many free perks or discounted services available to UIC employees
You and UIC: Mental Health and Wellness Resources at UIC
You and UIC: Mental Health and Wellness Resources at UIC
Delivery Method: Webinar – 30 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 30-minute webinar shares information regarding employee mental health and wellness resources available to UIC employees through the University and State of Illinois.
View Video of webinar
Webinar Summary Document including resources and links
You and UIC: Tuition Waivers
You and UIC: Tuition Waivers
Delivery Method: Webinar – 30 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 30-minute webinar key aspects of the Tuition Waiver benefit are outlined including how to find information about the Tuition Waiver process for Civil Service and Academic Professional employees and children of employees.
Adaptability in Leadership: Thriving in a World of Constant Change
Adaptability in Leadership: Thriving in a World of Constant Change
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving professional landscape, adaptability has become a cornerstone of effective leadership. This 60-minute course is designed to help leaders at all levels embrace change, inspire their teams, and navigate uncertainty with confidence and resilience. Participants will explore the traits of adaptive leaders, learn practical strategies to enhance their flexibility, and discover how to foster a culture of adaptability within their organizations.
Cultivating Cooperation and Collaboration in the Workplace
Cultivating Cooperation and Collaboration in the Workplace
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Collaboration is crucial when multiple perspectives must merge to find an integrated solution to a problem. Apply collaboration when an organization needs to create something new. Cooperation is best when a single individual or team has the primary ownership and information but needs help supporting and operationalizing. Apply cooperation when an organization needs to improve something that already exists. Cultivating these mindsets on your team in a dispersed workforce is imperative to team success. In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss how you can empower your team members to increased cooperation and collaboration.
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Emotional intelligence is widely known to be a key component of effective leadership. This is your ability to be in tune with yourself and your emotions, and having sound situational awareness and an understanding of how your words and actions affect others. Together, these are powerful tools for leading effective teams. In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss key skills and provide an emotional intelligence self-assessment.
Empowerment and Delegation
Empowerment and Delegation
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
In delegating effectively, you have to achieve a careful balance between giving enough space for people to use their abilities to best effect, while still monitoring and supporting closely enough to ensure that the job is done correctly and effectively. While empowerment is about giving people the freedom and responsibility to accomplish their goals and objectives, without telling them exactly what to do, when to do it, or how to do it. In this 60-minute webinar, we will share simple steps to support employee empowerment and successful delegation.
Engaging Employees Across Generations
Engaging Employees Across Generations
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, and Human Resources personnel
With multiple generations in the workforce, each with different needs and skills, this 60-minute webinar introduces the characteristics of each generation in the workforce today and provides tips and techniques to engage your team members of all age groups.
Fostering a Customer Service Environment
Fostering a Customer Service Environment
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, Team Leaders, and those aspiring to lead
This 45-minute discussion includes identifying and managing customer expectations, creating and sustaining a customer-focused organization with a key indicator, customer satisfaction. A customer-focused environment keeps both internal and external customers in mind at all times, strives to proactively address customer concerns and needs, and assists business partners to achieve work goals.
How to be a Positive Leader
How to be a Positive Leader
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Some might say that positivity is something you’re born with and that you are either a positive leader or not. However, positivity is a skill that requires work each and every day. This is further complicated by the fact that leaders have to always “be on”. In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss positive leadership, share the traits of a positive leader and give you tips for using positive leadership in the workplace.
How to Support Your Employees' Well-Being
How to Support Your Employees’ Well-Being
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Managers face sometimes-daunting tasks. When your employees are struggling with burnout, stress, work-life imbalance, and other life challenges that may impact their performance and productivity, how can you support them? In this 60-minute webinar, we will take a look at specific tools based on brain science to help you be a source of strength and support for your employees. We will discuss how to recognize, address, and prevent employee burnout; and questions you can ask a struggling employee to create honest discussions.
Humanistic Coaching – Supporting the Whole Person
Humanistic Coaching – Supporting the Whole Person
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
In this 45-minute webinar, supervisors and managers will explore the principles of Humanistic Coaching, focusing on building trust and supporting authentic development within their teams. The session will cover the human-centered philosophy of coaching, emphasizing empathy, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard to foster a safe, growth-oriented environment. Participants will learn strategies to encourage self-actualization, intrinsic motivation, and a growth mindset, helping employees connect with their aspirations and navigate challenges. This webinar provides actionable tools for leaders to cultivate resilience, adaptability, and continuous improvement, ultimately empowering teams to reach their full potential.
Implementing and Driving Change
Implementing and Driving Change
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Successful change is one of the biggest problems facing organizations today. In the fast-changing world, the strategic imperative to change is often clear, but how to go about it and how to support it across teams takes leaders that are focused, accountable, and consistent. In this 1-hour webinar, we will talk about steps you can take to implement change in your department.
Interpersonal Communication for Managers
Interpersonal Communication for Managers
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Interpersonal skills are the ability to communicate and interact with people around you. This includes both communication and attitude. A manager’s ability to connect with team members and maintain empathy are just some of the skills we will discuss in this 60-minute webinar. Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Introduction to Coaching for Performance
Introduction to Coaching for Performance
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar, discover the foundational concepts of coaching for performance in a concise and impactful session. Learn how coaching philosophies can unlock potential, drive performance, and enhance organizational culture. This session will explore what coaching for performance is, the core principles of Co-Active, Humanistic, and Adaptive Coaching, and the distinctions between coaching, mentoring, and managing. Additionally, participants will gain insights into how coaching can create a positive impact on organizational culture, fostering growth and sustainable success. Join us to gain actionable insights and start leveraging coaching to achieve lasting results.
Leadership Essentials Virtual Workshop
Leadership Essentials Virtual Workshop
Delivery Method: Webinar – 18 hours (held over six morning sessions)
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
This virtual workshop held over six morning webinars is highly recommended for anyone in a supervisory or human resource role at UIC. Discussion and learning provides participants with the information required to function in their leadership role more effectively. Topics include the introduction of key UIC human resources policies and procedures at UIC, performance management tools, and supervisor competency development.
Each participant receives a pre-session work style assessment, facilitated discussions about managing work teams at UIC, information about the application of key human resource policies and procedures in an electronic participant guide, and post-session management tools.
Attendance at all days is required to complete the workshop.
Virtual Workshop Fee: $125.00 per participant
Leadership Essentials Classroom Workshop
Leadership Essentials Classroom Workshop
Delivery Method: Classroom – 16 hours
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, and Human Resources personnel
This 4-morning classroom workshop (16 hours) is highly recommended for anyone in a supervisory or human resource role at UIC. Discussion and learning provides participants with the information required to function in their leadership role more effectively. Topics include the introduction of key UIC human resources policy and procedures at UIC, performance management tools, and supervisor competency development. Each participant receives a pre-session work style assessment, facilitated discussions about managing work teams at UIC, information about the application of key human resource policies and procedures in a participant guide, and post-session management tools.
Attendance at all days is required to complete the workshop.
Workshop Fee: $125.00 per participant
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Delivery Method: By Request Classroom – 90 minutes (Contact mycareeruic@uillinois.edu to schedule)
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, Team Leaders, and those aspiring to lead
This 90 minute classroom workshop Identifies different leadership styles and how each can be used to achieve required results, the effect on different situations, and individual work styles. Great for a lunch and learn.
Making a Habit of Development Conversations
Making a Habit of Development Conversations
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, and Human Resources personnel
Thought leaders in employee performance recommend frequent, short conversations to best support employee development. In this 45 minute webinar learn about tools for supervisors to plan and conduct meaningful and effective employee performance conversations on a regular basis. We will show you where to find resources and conversation guides on the UICHR website.
Managing Team Accountability
Managing Team Accountability
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60-minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, Team Leaders, and those aspiring to lead
This 1-hour webinar explores strategies supervisors can use to hold themselves and others accountable to achieve job-related goals and expectations. Participants are introduced to various techniques for working with teams to assign work.
Motivating Employees
Motivating Employees
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
This session will teach you practical techniques to become a better listener—whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or everyday interactions. You’ll learn how to stay present, avoid common listening barriers, and respond thoughtfully to others. By embracing mindful listening, you’ll strengthen connections, reduce conflicts, and foster more meaningful conversations.
Moving from Peer to Supervisor
Moving from Peer to Supervisor
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives, and those aspiring to lead
Participants will learn about establishing new boundaries, expectations, and working relationships, including tips and techniques for a successful transition to a supervisory role.
Results Oriented Conversations for Managers
Results Oriented Conversations for Managers
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
Participants will learn how to plan and deliver conversations that have an expectation of action and achievement of workplace objectives.
The Co-Active Coaching Model in Action
The Co-Active Coaching Model in Action
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, HR Representatives
In this 45-minute webinar, supervisors and managers will discover how to apply the Co-Active Coaching Model to enhance performance management within their teams. We will delve into the core elements of the Co-Active framework—balance, fulfillment, and process—and explore how these concepts can help strengthen leadership practices. Participants will learn effective techniques for fostering deeper connections through active listening, tools for promoting awareness and self-responsibility, and the power of asking impactful questions to unlock the potential of their team members. This session offers practical insights for elevating your coaching approach and driving team success.
Tips for Managing in a Hybrid Work Environment
Tips for Managing in a Hybrid Work Environment
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60-minutes
Suggested Audience: UIC Administrators, Supervisors, Team Leaders, and those aspiring to lead
Different people, different styles, different needs. What is the ideal work style? Our findings confirm that there’s no one answer. Different people have different styles and different needs. The organizations that succeed will find ways to accommodate different work styles as the path to helping everyone do their best work no matter whether they are working remotely, in-person, or hybrid. This1-hour webinar will encompass tips and techniques that you can use as you guide your team through hybrid work.
Building & Cultivating Trust in the Workplace
Building & Cultivating Trust in the Workplace
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Learning how to build trust at work is critical if you are going to be successful as an employee, a manager, or an effective leader. If you do not have trust, it will be more difficult to communicate and coordinate with your peers or colleagues. You may get passed over for promotions in favor of someone more trustworthy. In extreme cases, a lack of trust can even bring down your entire team or organization. Unfortunately, the truth is that most people have not been taught how to build trust. In this 45-minute webinar, we will take a look at proven and effective ways to build trust in the workplace
Business Etiquette for Today's Workplace
Business Etiquette for Today’s Workplace
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute course, we will guide you through essential etiquette for business communications. Learn about email etiquette, with topics including subject lines, using gender and pronouns respectfully, tricky elements of bcc and cc, and crafting an email that in content, tone, and timing takes the recipient into consideration. Explore the dos and don’ts of professional messaging conversations and phone communication. Business etiquette is all about building positive relationships that create memorable interactions, and this course can help you level up your skills.
Introduction to Counter-Productive Work Behavior (CWB)
Introduction to Counter-Productive Work Behavior (CWB)
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar, participants will gain a foundational understanding of Counterproductive Workplace Behaviors (CWBs) and their impact on organizations. We will explore the various forms CWBs can take, from absenteeism and workplace aggression to more subtle behaviors like sabotage. Attendees will learn to distinguish CWBs from other negative behaviors and understand the significant financial, cultural, and performance costs these behaviors can have on a company. Additionally, we will delve into the psychology behind CWBs, offering insights into why they occur and how they can be mitigated.
Introduction to Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB's)
Introduction to Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs)
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar, participants will gain a foundational understanding of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) and their importance in the workplace. We will explore what OCBs are, including various types such as altruism, courtesy, and conscientiousness, and how these behaviors contribute to improved organizational performance. Attendees will also learn practical strategies for promoting OCBs within teams, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment that enhances productivity and morale.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Well-Being: Striking a Balance
Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Well-Being: Striking a Balance
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 1-hour webinar, participants will explore the critical relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) and employee well-being. While OCBs can enhance personal satisfaction and workplace morale, they can also lead to burnout and role overload if not managed effectively. This session will examine how to balance the positive effects of OCBs with work-life integration, helping employees stay engaged without compromising their well-being. Attendees will learn practical tools for managing stress, maintaining productivity, and fostering a healthier workplace culture that supports both high performance and personal well-being.
Respect in the Workplace
Respect in the Workplace
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Respect is one of the most important traits in the workplace because it creates a positive work culture for you and your team members to accomplish goals together. A respectful attitude should be standard in the workplace regardless of personal feelings. In fact, both employers and employees need to give respect to each other and their peers. As an employee, you can respect your coworkers and your managers by giving them the attention they need, listening to their opinions and speaking with kindness. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss ways you can show respect in your workplace.
The Professional: Practices that Establish Workplace Credibility
The Professional: Practices that Establish Workplace Credibility
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss practices that will attest to your skill, good judgment, integrity, and value to your colleagues and workplace.
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 1-hour webinar, participants will learn about the importance of feedback in the workplace, how to give and receive feedback, and how to use feedback for professional growth and improvement.
How do I engage others and build trust?
How do I engage others and build trust?
Delivery Method: On-Demand WorkSmarts Video
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
A 4-minute exploration on common sense approaches to establishing trust in others.
How do I help facilitate agreement among group members?
How do I help facilitate agreement among group members?
Delivery Method: On-Demand WorkSmarts Video
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
A 4-minute exploration about how to foster common purpose and teamwork.
How to Be Adaptable During Change and Uncertainty
How to Be Adaptable During Change and Uncertainty
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
The workplace is an ever-changing, dynamic place. We’ve all seen this firsthand over the past few years as organizations adjusted to the ups and downs of working through a pandemic. Those changes have been major. Often, changes are outside of your control. What you can control is how you react to them. Do you want to be someone people look to during challenging times? A leader that can guide others? Like many soft skills, adaptability is a skill you can learn. By developing adaptability in the workplace, you can learn to deal with—and even grow from—inevitable changes.
Maintaining Motivation and Collaboration while Working Remotely
Maintaining Motivation and Collaboration While Working Remotely
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 1-hour webinar discusses ways to maintain your own motivation while in a continued work from home or dispersed schedule environment. We will also discuss ways to maintain collaboration and connection with our teammates.
Managing Conflict
Managing Conflict
Delivery method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Using emotional intelligence and empathy can help us be more successful when managing conflict. This 60-minute webinar shares how to understand your own feelings and be open to the feelings of others, build your conversation, and steps to successful conflict resolution.
Managing Upward
Managing Upward
Delivery method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Building a strong relationship with your manager is important not only because your boss plays a pivotal role in your success or failure, it also helps you continue to grow in your knowledge and career. This 60-minute webinar helps you develop skills to clarify priorities and needs, share information, and communicate clearly with your supervisor and colleagues higher up in your organization.
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Problem-solving skills help you determine why an issue is happening and how to resolve that issue. This is a key skill for any employee. In this 45-minute webinar, we will learn about problem-solving tools and processes and how they support your success.
Respect in the Workplace
Respect in the Workplace
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Respect is one of the most important traits in the workplace because it creates a positive work culture for you and your team members to accomplish goals together. A respectful attitude should be standard in the workplace regardless of personal feelings. In fact, both employers and employees need to give respect to each other and their peers. As an employee, you can respect your coworkers and your managers by giving them the attention they need, listening to their opinions and speaking with kindness. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss ways you can show respect in your workplace.
The Next Generation: Generation "Z"
The Next Generation: Generation “Z”
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
The oldest members of Generation “Z” are hitting college and the workforce. Tips for relating to Generation “Z” as employees and students and what to look for to help them be successful.
Understanding Diverse Work Styles
Understanding Diverse Work Styles
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 60-minute webinar, learners use Marston’s DISC Personality concepts to understand diverse work styles. Discussion focuses on the affect work styles have on an individual’s approach to their work, communication and workplace relationships, and how to apply this knowledge when engaging with co-workers.
Building an Effective To Do List
Building an Effective To Do List
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
The key to enhancing your productivity is to build to-do lists that actually work. In this 45-minute webinar, learn a new approach to creating to-do lists, find out how to better prioritize tasks, and discover proven day-to-day workflows to put into practice immediately.
Clear Desk, Clear Mind: The Art of Workspace Organization
Clear Desk, Clear Mind: The Art of Workspace Organization
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Your office desk is often a reflection of your personality and habits. Some workspaces are sparse and orderly. Others are colorful and highly personalized. Then there are those workspaces that are so cluttered, you wonder how any work can get done there. Regardless of your preferences or inclinations, your workspace should be set up for the best time management, productivity, and comfort. After all, whether you work in a cubicle or a private office, you may spend more time at your desk than you do in your own bed. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss some suggestions that will aid you in arranging your desk to achieve maximum organization and efficiency.
Discovering Your Time Management Style
Discovering Your Time Management Style
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
When it comes to time management strategies, one size does not fit all. To create your optimal workday, you must consider many factors, including the nature of your job, the level of interaction you have with others, and your personal preferences. In this 45- minute webinar, we will help you craft a personalized approach to time management. You will be able to discover your time management style and then adapt fundamental time management strategies to suit your unique needs. Additionally, you will learn how to work productively with coworkers whose time management style differs from yours.
Employee Tips for Working in a Hybrid Work Environment
Employee Tips for Working in a Hybrid Work Environment
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
This 45-minute webinar shares tips and techniques for working in a hybrid environment. Tips include transitioning into and out of your work time, communication, and setting yourself up for success.
Employee Tips for Working Remotely
Employee Tips for Working Remotely
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
This 45-minute webinar shares tips and techniques for working remotely. Tips include transitioning into and out of your work time, communication, and setting yourself up for success.
From Chaos to Clarity: Building an Effective To-Do List
From Chaos to Clarity: Building an Effective To-Do List
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks you need to complete? Or find your to-do list growing longer without seeing much progress? This 45-minute webinar is here to change that! Learn how to create to-do lists that not only keep you organized but also help you stay focused, motivated, and productive
From Goals to Accomplishment
From Goals to Accomplishment
Delivery Method: Webinar – 1 hour
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
During this 1-hour webinar, learn how to move from goals to actions to the achievement of complex goals and/or assignments that are completed over time. Participants will learn about best practices for tracking progress, identifying dependencies, staying on top of long-term assignments.
How can I stop feeling overwhelmed and regain control at work?
How can I stop feeling overwhelmed and regain control at work?
Delivery Method: On-Demand WorkSmarts Video
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
A 4-minute exploration about how to focus your time and attention on the efforts that matter most.
How to Manage Your Outlook Email Part I
How to Manage Your Outlook Email Part I
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
With a good deal of our workday time spent reading and responding to emails, applying organization to your Outlook inbox can make a big difference in productivity and time management. In this 45-minute webinar, we will walk you through the most effective Outlook inbox management techniques available to you.
How to Manage Your Outlook Email Part II
How to Manage Your Outlook Email Part II
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
With a good deal of our workday time spent reading and responding to emails, applying organization to your Outlook inbox can make a big difference in productivity and time management. In Part II of this 45-minute webinar, we will walk you through some additional effective Outlook inbox management techniques available to you.
How To Manage Your Outlook Email Part III
How to Manage Your Outlook Email Part III
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
With a good deal of our workday time spent reading and responding to emails, applying organization to your Outlook inbox can make a big difference in productivity and time management. In Part III of this 45-minute webinar, we will walk you through some additional effective Outlook inbox management techniques available to you.
How to Organize Your Desk for Maximum Efficiency
How to Manage Your Desk for Maximum Efficiency
Delivery Method: Webinar – 30-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Your office desk is often a reflection of your personality and habits. Some workspaces are sparse and orderly. Others are colorful and highly personalized. Then there are those workspaces that are so cluttered, you wonder how any work can get done there. Regardless of your preferences or inclinations, your workspace should be set up for the best time management, productivity, and comfort. After all, whether you work in a cubicle or a private office, you may spend more time at your desk than you do in your own bed. In this 30-minute webinar, we will discuss some suggestions that will aid you in arranging your desk to achieve maximum organization and efficiency.
Personal Productivity
Personal Productivity
Delivery Method: Webinar 45-minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Do you find yourself constantly putting things off, even when you know they’re important? Procrastination is a common barrier to success, but it doesn’t have to control you. In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn proven strategies to overcome procrastination, take action, and build lasting habits that support productivity and achievement. Take the first step to conquering procrastination.
*NEW* Overcoming Procrastination: How to Take Action and Stay Motivated
*NEW* Overcoming Procrastination: How to Take Action and Stay Motivated
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Do you find yourself constantly putting things off, even when you know they’re important? Procrastination is a common barrier to success, but it doesn’t have to control you. In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn proven strategies to overcome procrastination, take action, and build lasting habits that support productivity and achievement. Take the first step to conquering procrastination.
Setting and Evaluating Goals
Setting and Evaluating Goals
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar focuses on techniques for setting goals, evaluating progress, and finally, adapting if plans change.
Tame Your Inbox: Tips for Managing Outlook Emails Efficiently Part I
Tame Your Inbox: Tips for Managing Outlook Emails Efficiently Part I
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Is your inbox overflowing with unread emails, clutter, and chaos? Managing your Outlook emails effectively is essential for productivity and peace of mind. In Part 1 of this 3 parts 45-minute webinar series, we will share practical tips and tricks to organize, prioritize, and optimize your email workflow in Microsoft Outlook.
Tame Your Inbox: Tips for Managing Outlook Emails Efficiently Part II
Tame Your Inbox: Tips for Managing Outlook Emails Efficiently Part II
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Is your inbox overflowing with unread emails, clutter, and chaos? Managing your Outlook emails effectively is essential for productivity and peace of mind. In Part 2 of this 3 part 45-minute webinar series, we will share practical tips and tricks to organize, prioritize, and optimize your email workflow in Microsoft Outlook.
Tame Your Inbox: Tips for Managing Outlook Emails Efficiently Part III
Tame Your Inbox: Tips for Managing Outlook Emails Efficiently Part III
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Is your inbox overflowing with unread emails, clutter, and chaos? Managing your Outlook emails effectively is essential for productivity and peace of mind. In Part 3 of this 3 parts 45-minute webinar series, we will share practical tips and tricks to organize, prioritize, and optimize your email workflow in Microsoft Outlook.
Time Management
Time Management
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 45-minute webinar discusses techniques for maximizing productivity through focus, routines, and how to reset when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Time Management: Strategies to Work Smarter, Not Harder
Time Management: Strategies to Work Smarter, Not Harder
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Are you constantly racing against the clock, juggling endless tasks, and struggling to find balance? This course is your opportunity to take control of your time and achieve more with less stress. In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn practical, research-backed strategies to master your schedule, boost productivity, and make time for what matters most. From setting priorities to overcoming procrastination, this course offers actionable tools that fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Whether you’re a professional or simply looking to improve your work-life balance, this course will empower you to work smarter—not harder.
Unlock Your Potential: Personal Productivity Simplified
Unlock Your Potential: Personal Productivity Simplified
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Are you ready to accomplish more, reduce stress, and take control of your day? In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn how to simplify your approach to productivity, allowing you to unlock your full potential in both your personal and professional life.
Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, & Stress
Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, & Stress
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Even if you consider yourself a compassionate person, feeling compassion all the time can simply be overwhelming, especially when confronted by large amounts of suffering. In this 45-minute webinar, we will explore empathy fatigue and the concept of compassion collapse.
Compassion is the Key to Well-Being
Compassion is the Key to Well-Being
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
To create a culture at work that effectively supports and cares for employee well-being requires developing a competency often overlooked at work: compassion. When managers and employees learn how to show more compassion for one another, improved well-being is the natural byproduct. In this 45-minute webinar, we will explore why and how compassion supports well-being.
Coping with Holiday Stress
Coping with Holiday Stress
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
The holiday season often brings unwelcome guests — stress and depression. And it’s no wonder. The holidays often present a dizzying array of demands — cooking meals, shopping, baking, cleaning and entertaining, to name just a few. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss some practical tips you can use to minimize the stress that accompanies the holidays.
Embracing Change with Mindfulness
Embracing Change with Mindfulness
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In a world that never seems to stop changing, this course helps you process, handle, and cope with all of the changes in your life. n this 45-minute course, you will learn how to practice slowing down, processing what is happening around you, and accepting change. Explore how to use self-affirmation to expand your confidence and practice being thankful for all of the good things in your life to achieve a more positive state of mind.
Habits for Becoming Your Most Effective Self
Habits for Becoming Your Most Effective Self
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Being great at your role and succeeding in your career goes hand-in-hand with your personal well-being and sense of fulfillment. In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss concrete steps you can take to improve your personal effectiveness and overall wellness. We will walk through a new activity or practice to adopt each week so you can build a set of habits to improve your emotional, social, and work life.
How to Overcome Anxiety and Keep Positivity Flowing
How to Overcome Anxiety and Keep Positivity Flowing
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Don’t underestimate the impact of self-care on your productivity and well-being. Self-care is a requirement for resilience. Overcoming obstacles while you’re feeling low only makes things harder than they should be. In this 45-minute webinar, adapted from the podcast How to Be Awesome at Your Job, we will discuss methods to manage anxiety, build resilience, and stay positive.
Mental Wellness in a Digital World
Mental Wellness in a Digital World
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
In this 45-minute webinar, we will explore the effects our digital world is having on our mental wellness and how to utilize that same digital world to create a healthier mental well-being by relating to its technology in a new way to bring more wholeness to your life.
Mindfulness for Resilience
Mindfulness for Resilience
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Mental health conditions may make it hard to get through times of crisis or healthily handle stress. Mindful coping strategies are available to help you relax and find a state of peace in your life. In this 60-minute webinar, we will explore how building resilience is one of the key benefits for developing a day-to-day mindfulness practice.
The Art and Science of Happiness
The Art and Science of Happiness
Delivery Method: Webinar – 60 minutes
Happiness is more than just a fleeting emotion—it is a skill that can be nurtured and cultivated through intentional practice and understanding. This enlightening webinar explores the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, and practical strategies to help you create a more joyful and meaningful life. This 60-minute webinar is designed for anyone seeking personal growth and well-being, this session delves into the science behind happiness, offering insights into how our brains process emotions and how positive habits can reshape our outlook. Participants will learn actionable techniques to boost their happiness, strengthen relationships, and find balance in their daily lives.
The Power of Mindfulness
The Power of Mindfulness
Delivery Method: Webinar – 45 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
Through mindful living practices, we can find more happiness, joy, and meaning in our lives. However, being mindful is not as easy as it sounds. It is a habit that you have to develop. In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss some habits that will help you on your quest to be more mindful.
You & UIC: Mental Health and Wellness Resources at UIC
You and UIC: Mental Health and Wellness Resources at UIC
Delivery Method: Webinar – 30 minutes
Suggested Audience: All UIC Staff and Faculty
This 30-minute webinar shares information regarding employee mental health and wellness resources available to UIC employees through the University and State of Illinois.
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Webinar Summary Document including resources and links
WorkSmarts, from UIC Human Resources, is a series of quick, skill-based solutions for better job performance. Each video in the series addresses a specific performance goal and provides practical steps you can learn in minutes and apply immediately to achieve better outcomes.